Voice of MicroGuide
MicroGuide project: Micro-credentials are targeted skills and competence acquisitions that complement
traditional qualifications. They offer flexibility in education and training, filling skills gaps and
promoting inclusion in lifelong learning. Micro-credentials have a low entry barrier, making them
accessible to learners who may have been discouraged from entering the education system.
They also enable more fluid learning pathways, supporting the vision of lifelong learning.
In the European Union, the attainment of tertiary education targets has surpassed 40% in most
countries. However, formal education and training must adapt to a rapidly changing society.
Micro-credentials can enhance high-quality, innovative, and learner-centred education and
training by providing flexibility. They can help bridge the skills gap, reach new learners, and
promote lifelong learning, including disadvantaged individuals.
Micro-credentials offer new opportunities for higher education and training institutions aligned
with their societal mission. They can leverage existing transparency and quality assurance tools
to ensure recognition across borders. National tools, infrastructure, and the Europass Digital
Credentials Infrastructure support the issuing, sharing, and storage of all types of learning
achievements, including micro-credentials.
A common European approach to micro-credentials aims to establish a shared understanding,
transparent definition, and trust in micro-credentials across countries and sectors. This approach
avoids multiple interpretations and establishes how micro-credentials relate to National
Qualification Frameworks, qualification systems, certificates, and diplomas. The Guidelines for
the implementation of micro-credentials in higher education will support these efforts.
To implement micro-credentials, it is important to define explicit learning outcomes at the
European Qualifications Framework or National Qualification Framework levels, indicate
associated workload in ECTS credits, employ appropriate assessment methods and criteria,
and ensure quality assurance in line with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality
Assurance in Higher Education.
The Project aims to develop Guidelines for the implementation of micro-credentials in higher
education by analysing the legal framework, implementation practice, certification and credit
evaluation, quality assurance mechanisms, and linking to National Qualification Frameworks in
partner states. These Guidelines will include examples of good practices, a proposal for a best
model of the legal framework, certification, credit evaluation, quality assurance, and linking to
National Qualification Frameworks. They will serve as a theoretical basis for practical
application and will be disseminated through various platforms and conferences.
In addition to Guidelines, the Project will develop three micro-credential examples as proof-of-
concept. At the end of Project period, the University of Belgrade will organize a conference to
present the results, with a special emphasize for implementing micro-credentials in Serbian
higher education. In this way, the Project outcomes will contribute to the development of the
European approach to micro-credentials and will be available to policymakers and higher
education institutions within and outside the EU.