Report on Training of the linking micro-credential to National Qualification Framework in Project partner countries

The Training of the linking micro-credential to National Qualification Framework in Project partner countries was organized at the University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain, 27th Juny – 1st July 2023.

The meeting was held according to the Agenda, with a total of 12 representatives from Partner Institutions, three from University of Belgrade (UB), four from Qualification Agency of Serbia (QAS), two from Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU) and FH Joanneum Gesellschaft MBH (FHJ), and one from the University of Lleida (UDL).

After welcoming speeches by Mr. Sinisa Djurasevic on behalf of the Project coordinator and the host of the meeting Ms. Carme Sala from the University of Lleida, the project team started work on the project issues. First general project activities and its development/ progress were explained and discussed.

In the first part of the morning, the coordinator presented an overall progress assessment about status of partner’s reports and presentations. The coordinator also made an introduction to the structure of the shared drive and other updates. Sinisa Djurasevic explained about the website of the project and the importance of linking to this site from every partner university for dissemination.

The status of the design projects of micro-credentials programs that are being developed by the participants in this group is discussed.

During the morning it was presented and discussed about:

  • Qualification Framework in Serbia, submitted by Qualification Agency of Serbia
  • Linking micro-credentials to National Qualification Framework in Serbia by University of Belgrade

After the presentations, questions were raised and debated among all.

The second working day focused on the following points:

  • Linking micro-credentials to National Qualification Framework in Germany, by ACEEU
  • Linking micro-credentials to National Qualification Framework in Austria, by FH Joanneum Gesellschaft MBH
  • Linking micro-credentials to National Qualification Framework in Catalonia and Spain, by University of Lleida

In the debate that followed the presentations, the similarities and differences between the National Qualification Framework systems were exposed. Partners were focused on the way that may affect micro-credentials experience.

During the last day of work, administrative aspects were discussed, and an overview of dissemination activities were settled.